воскресенье, 21 марта 2010 г.

Տղաները դառնում են առաջնորդ- - 2010 - Boys Reaching Out

Ինչ` առաջնորդության զարգացման ամառային դպրոց

Որտեղ` Լուսակերտ, Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն

Երբ` • 1-ին փուլ` հուլիսի
21-25 • 2-րդ փուլ` օգոստոսի 19-23

Աշխատանքային լեզու` հայերեն

Մանրամասն` https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B3csrXYoPwgiOTdlNTVmZDEtZDVlYi00YmNhLTk2N2UtZWVlOGNiYjEwMjUx&hl=ru

среда, 17 марта 2010 г.

Volunteerism in Shirak region


вторник, 16 марта 2010 г.


Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached the application package for those organizations who want to host a Peace Corps Volunteer in their organizations for 2010-2012. The deadline for applying is March 31, 2010.

Peace Corps Armenia was established in 1992 at the invitation of the Government of Armenia, and to date over 600 Volunteers have served in approximately 300 towns and villages throughout the country. Peace Corps Volunteers work with schools to help them improve their English, health, or environmental education programs, and also work with other community development organizations such as non-governmental organizations or local municipalities on youth development, other social and health issues, and economic development.

The application packet(s) includes: 1) an application guide, 2) 1-page descriptions of our programs, 3) a volunteer request form, and 4) three host-family application forms. These documents can be downloaded from the following location: http://www.rec-caucasus.org/Application-Package.zip

среда, 10 марта 2010 г.

International Video Competition 2010

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights invites you to participate in the International Video Competition 2010. This is an opportunity to express your views on camera on fundamental rights in the European Union. Share with us whether your rights are abused or enjoyed. The 3 strongest entries will each win a 5 day trip for 2 people to Vienna, from 6-10 May 2010, with transportation and accommodation included.

The competition deadline is 2 April 2010. Eligible candidates include students and non-students alike, anyone between 18 and 30 years of age, and from all EU countries.

For registration and further information, please visit the competition' s website at http://fra.europa. eu/fraWebsite/news&events/video-competition/video-competitio n_en.htm


Date: September 2010,
Place: Chisinau, Moldova
Deadline for applying: Thursday, March 25, 2010

Code-X International in partnership with ADVIT Moldova is planning an International Training course “Express tolerance through dance and music” to be held in Chisinau, Moldova. The training course aims at promoting tolerance and solidarity towards cultural differences on local, national and international levels. It focuses on encouraging active participation of youth in process of social inclusion. By applying dance and music as tools of non-formal learning course provides participants with opportunity to discover and to embrace cultural diversity, to raise awareness about and deepen understanding of cultural differences, what fosters mutual understanding among young people; contributes to the fight against racism and xenophobia. Project also gives a chance to share best practices on youth participation in different European countries as well as find new partners for future cooperation concerning active citizenship and participation between the Programme countries and EECA countries.


Training is open for promoters from Programme and EECA countries, who:
- are interested to promote active youth participation in promoting values of tolerance and social inclusion on local, national and international levels; are interested in question of intercultural relations;
- have an experience/willing to gain experience in the field of art and culture;
- are willing to learn and practice cultural differences through creative artistic form;
- feel an urgent need to share best practices on youth participation in different European countries;
- would like to develop new partnerships for future cooperation concerning active citizenship and participation among the Programme countries and EECA.


The training is scheduled for autumn 2010 and will be hosted in Chisinau, Moldova. Financial support is sought for under the European Commission’s “Youth in Action”-programme granting scheme to be applied for 1st of April 2010 deadline. If approved, all costs for board and lodging will be covered except for 30% of the international travel costs. The training will be held in English.


To be a partner organization in this activity, please fill in the attached form (called “part III” with the project title “Express tolerance through dance and music”), sign it in blue ink, put your official stamp on it and send it by e-mail (scan copy as *.pdf or *.doc or *.jpg, we need the signature and the stamp) or by fax and regular mail back to:

To the attention of:
Jens Klinteskog
Code –X international
Postbus 101
4100 AC Culemborg
The Netherlands
Fax: 0031 345 521 749

P.S. Furthermore, please indicate your estimated travel costs from your home town to Chisinau (round trip).

вторник, 9 марта 2010 г.

One Minute Films

Application Deadline - 02.04.2010

VideoChannel Cologne is looking for "one minute films and videos"
on the theme "memory " and "identity" for
an anniversary online feature and future screening programs.
For more details visit: http://videochannel.newmediafest/ , http://www.nmartpro ject.net/ netex/?p= 447

International Conference for NGOs

Hello Delegate,

This is a Call for Participation in an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NGOs holding from 10th April till the 20th of 2010 in London, United Kingdom where as many as 200 participants from across the world including Health Practitioners, Professionals in relevant fields, Lawyers, Psychologists, Women and Youth Development Groups, Government Officials, Donor Agencies and participating NGOs will meet to discuss issues pertaining to the Welfare of NGOs...and also to meet others like yourself; to learn, teach, inspire and being inspired. This event will be exploring the potential of a practical approach that will unleash and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change positively, the world at large.

What are the objectives of this meeting? The meeting will provide a medium where participating individuals and NGOs will convene to address and discuss ways of improving key Humanitarian issues and topics with much emphasis on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Peace and Security, Social and Economic Development, Youth and Children, Health Education, Ethics and Value and Environmental Protection. Participating NGOs will have direct access to grants by International Donor Agencies.
The opening Lecture will be held by Dr. Mrs Artemis a Franco who is the President of the Center for Human Rights Research and Development, Maputo - Mozambique.

The program will include:
* Thought-provoking plenaries
* In-depth breakout and dinner sessions for strategy-development.
* Capacity and skills-building sessions; and
* Debates to stimulate discussion.

In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book launches, artistic and cultural activities, exhibitions, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and alliance building. All plenaries and selected breakout sessions will have interpretation into English, Spanish and French.Who can participate? What happens if more than 200participants apply? Anyone who is a member of an NGO, Professionals in related fields, Students Unions,Lecturers of Universities and Community based organizations, the Clergy as well as women and youth development groups can apply to participate.

If more than 200 people apply (as we anticipate), a global selection committee will select a representative 200 from among the applicants. This committee will ensure that the participants at the meeting are truly international and represent a diverse range of interests, issues, and regions.

The events shall commence on the 10th of April till the 20th 2010 at Abba Queens Gate Hotel London.I can't afford the cost - Can you help? Richard Dolls Foundation has set up an Access Fund to support the travel costs for all qualified participants.

How do I apply, and when is the deadline? All Interested organizations should send an email to the Local Organizing Committee. Participants MUST be a group of 1-3 persons to qualify for registration.
Contact Person: Rev. Fr.Charles Howell

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